How do you manage your social media reputation?

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How do you manage your social media reputation?

Visit the Online Marketing Institute to see more than 400 classes in the digital marketing space and on social media. Try our classes for free, 10-day free trial. A good reputation on social media depends on the company's social media manager. This person, or team, is responsible for ensuring that the company's social media has a distinct and effective voice.

Social media managers are hunters by nature, searching each platform for any mention of the brand in every possible variation (they even set up alerts for common misspellings of the brand name), all to find the discussions that are taking place around that brand, product or service. Building and managing your online reputation means actively influencing the impression your business leaves on users. The first step towards a strong reputation is to decide how you want your business to be perceived. Social media reputation management allows a company or brand to track, monitor, and remove negative social media material about their brand.

Ultimately, this improves the credibility of the business or brand. As a result, online reputation management (ORM) proactively influences the information they'll encounter. Whether it's positive or negative feedback, everything comes in handy when it comes to improving your brand's reputation on social media. When you've implemented your social media reputation management system for a few months, it's essential to pause and analyze how it has impacted your company's revenue.

A truly successful social media online reputation repair strategy recognizes each and every customer feedback. Some organizations have an internal team to manage social media reputation, while others use social media reputation management software as an alternative. Company websites are often optimized for traffic and conversions, so social profiles can offer a better opportunity to develop your brand's online narrative. And if you haven't already, be sure to test drive the full suite of social listening and reputation management features from Sprout Social today.

Fortunately, there are numerous free options to get started and countless managed services if you have the budget. Paid media, earned media, owned properties and, most importantly, social media are four digital marketing channels that help shape your online reputation. There are a variety of social media reputation management software that you can use to monitor user feedback about your company and assess your social reputation. There are several ways you can strengthen your social media presence and use it to improve your digital reputation.

Whether you hire a social media reputation management agency or do so within your organization, you can gain valuable insight into your customers' experiences with your brand and better understand what they need from your brand. The Internet is rife with reputation management tools, but social media tops the list when it comes to quick profits. With hundreds or thousands of locations, each with its own social presence and local community considerations on resources, data management and governance are much more important to big national or global brands.

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